Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Play Date with Jet

Today was so warm and sunny!  My human and I took advantage of it, by inviting my friend, Jet, over to play.  We ran and wrestled for a long time.  Now I'm pooped, and ready to nap for the rest of the day.  Please excuse the excessive amount of pictures.  I think my human managed to take about 200 of them, while we were playing, so we're lucky she narrowed them down to just these. 


Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Rainy April Day

We went to the park this morning and I made a new friend named "Marley," who ran and wrestled with me!  I like when I can find a dog who can keep up with my energy.  Other than that outing, today has been mostly an inside day, hanging out with my human, while she puts things away in one of the spare bedrooms.  I think this bedroom is going to belong to someone special, because they keep putting more and more stuff in it...and there's a basket of toys that don't belong to me.  

 A little nap on the couch after running around at the park

 This is the basket of toys I was talking about.  I can tell I'm not supposed to touch them, but sometimes I sit by them and give my human "the look," just in case she decides to give me the signal.

 I like sitting behind this bassinet thing.  It's cozy.  

Yeah... this must be the growing baby human's room.  Oh and licking the chalkboard is apparently off limits.

Monday, April 15, 2013

My human and I took advantage of the sunshine, and went to the park this afternoon.  There were some pretty ominous clouds that were threatening to rain on us, but we managed to stay dry...until I got in the river, of course!

P.S.  These were not taken with the new camera, because my human won't trust herself to bring it to the dog park without a case for it.

 Chasing the ball

Stopping to eat some grass

Happy dog!  Notice the grass on my tongue?  Yum.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this weekend.  We actually got to hang out in the backyard in some sunshine today!  Maybe it is spring, after all!
Waiting for some food to drop, while my humans were cooking 

Still waiting patiently for food to drop 

 I gave up on food dropping, and decided just to nap instead.
 Snuggling with my chicken
 My human Brandon and I play this game where he sees how close he can put his face to mine, and I see if I can lick it before he can back away. 
 Playing fetch! 
Going down the slide!
Going down the slide again!

 Launching off the slide!
 Taking a break, soaking up the sun
 I'm ready for summer.
Sitting next to my human

Thursday, April 11, 2013

More Fun with the New Camera!

My humans are taking pictures of me left and right, trying to learn all of the tricks to their new camera.  Good thing I'm so photogenic.  Here are some more samples of our recent photography sessions.
My "senior photo" pose



Trying to nap

Still trying to nap

Hiding behind my flowing tail

Okay, last one

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Camera!

My human got a new camera for her birthday.  For a while, I ran and hid from it, because it made a beeping sound that reminded me of the underground fence shock collar.  My human turned the beep off, though, and now it's not as scary.  I think both of my humans are excited to have a real camera instead of just their cell phones.  They have been taking even more photos of me than normal.  Here are some samples.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My human's birthday was this week.  I let her borrow my birthday crown.  The best part was that I got to see some of our human friends who came over.  I got lots of extra attention and was worn out from all the excitement.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My human keeps adding things to the room that used to be empty.  I like sitting next to her while she opens boxes and organizes things.  Sometimes I lick things that look like they might be toys, to let her know that I approve of them.