Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My human Elise usually stays in bed longer than Brandon, so I wait in bed with her, until she gets up.  I'm supposed to stay by her feet, but once Brandon gets up, I sneak up towards her, until I'm sleeping by her head.  This morning I was really antsy, so I got as close to her face as possible and just stared at her.  Eventually she woke up and got the hint.
After my humans take a shower, I like to watch the water trickle down the drain.  I'm really tempted to jump in and play with it or lick it.  Instead I save my bathtub time, for when it's dry and I just need to cool off.
I know I've discussed my love of naps before.  The only thing better than a nap, is a nap with one of my humans.  She was kind of hogging the couch at first, but I squeezed my way in.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When the front window blinds are open, this is my favorite place to relax.  I can keep an eye on the neighborhood, and squeeze in some naps, while I'm at it.  Jet came over and played today, so I am pretty worn out.  Napping on this comfy chair was just what I needed this afternoon.

Day 1 million, in the human incubation countdown:  My human is still growing.  Her stomach moves in weird ways that do not seem normal.  She is still able to play with me, so I am not too concerned.  I'm just wondering how much longer this is going to continue. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Few Random Photos....

 My humans like to get action shots of me, while we're playing fetch.
 I was too fast for the camera, in this one!
This photo was from last weekend, when my humans had a BBQ.  Jet came over with his human too, so I got to run around with him for hours!  I didn't want to, but eventually my humans coerced me into taking a little break.  It was probably the best BBQ EVER!

Friday, May 10, 2013

I really miss my human Brandon, while he's at work all day.  As soon as he gets home, I start following him around and bringing him all my toys.  Once he picks a spot on the couch, I snuggle up next to him for some quality TV watching.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My favorite part of the park this morning, was the muddy swamp area I discovered.  It was fenced off, but as you've seen in previous posts, the fences really just seem like guidelines to me.  This mud was too good to pass up.  I brought my ball in there with me, and then made the mistake of dropping it in the mud hole.  It sunk!  I had to burrow around for a while, with my nose, until I found it.  My human made me pose for a photo, once I hopped back over the fence.  I smell wonderful now, if I do say so myself!

The word "bath" has been tossed around a lot since we got home.

Friday, May 3, 2013

My human and I took advantage of the spring weather finally reappearing, and went to the park this morning.  Since there was no chance of rain, she decided to bring the fancy camera.  That way she was able to capture all of my shenanigans.  I did a little bit of everything this morning:  swimming, running, chasing, trying to steal other dogs' balls even though I have my own, jumping over fences, and eating grass.  Sometimes I like to run just far enough away that it's hard to see my human, and then I'll run back to her as fast as I can!

 I'm pretty sure these fences are here, just for me to jump over.

 One last look at the camera as I run by!
 Okay, I'll sit for a treat.
 I'm coming, human!

 This little dog gave me a run for my money!  If his human wasn't in a hurry to leave, I think we would have played all morning.